WordPress, Consultant
These people are awesome, they're one of my primary partners that send me work their clients need help with that they couldn't do themselves. I've helped them redesign, modify, and add new features to WordPress. Their clientel is mostly real-estate agents, construction groups, and events for the Aspen/Snowmass area of Colorado.

WordPress, Administration, Consultant
I was their key administrator, developer, and tech consultant. I developed the calendar and modified the theme. Heather's has the best food and music in the Roaring Fork Valley that I know of. Try their famous chicken pot pie! :)

Trudi Watkins Johnson

(Web Development)

WordPress, Administration
I did a bit of administration and web development for Trudi. The roaring fork valley is pretty expensive but she'll help you find something.

Aspen Strong

(Web Development)

WordPress, Administration
I developed a therapist directory and helped create the theme for the mental health resource non-profit.


(Web Development)

WordPress, Administration
I helped develop the theme, credit card processing, store front and digital infrastructure for the long hauler repair business of Pennsylvania.

Tory Thomas

(Web Development)

WordPress, Administration
I occasionally did administrative work and other modifications to the theme for Tory's site.

Prometheus Materials

(Web Development)

WordPress, Administration
I helped create the theme and logo for Prometheus Materials. I did the vectorized logo, moving background, theme, and administrative setup. They're a startup with a breakthrough new material that will help save the planet.

Deep Science, LTD

(Web Development)

Full Stack, Administration, Consultant
I did a full stack TypeScript/Vue/FireBase Nuxt.JS web app for them that they use internally for their scientist projects.

Catherine Store

(Computer Installation)

Consultant, Administration
I helped install the new computers for the seemingly small liquor supplier. They have great booze, and great people! <3